
In Vedic astrology, the second house of a person’s birth chart represents wealth and finance, and the seventh house represents business and partnerships. The placement of planets in these houses, as well as the aspects and conjunctions of other planets, can have a significant impact on a person’s business prospects. Some common astrological factors that can impact business success are:


Placement of Mercury: Mercury is the planet of business and commerce, and its placement in the birth chart can indicate a person’s business acumen and communication skills. A strong Mercury in the second or seventh house can indicate a successful business venture.

Strength of the seventh house: The seventh house represents business partnerships and collaborations. A strong and well-placed seventh house can indicate successful partnerships and business relationships.

Afflictions to the second and seventh house: Malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu can afflict the second and seventh house and cause delays or obstacles in business.

Dashas: The planetary periods or dashas can also indicate favourable or unfavourable periods for starting a business or expanding an existing one.

Yogas for business success: There are several planetary combinations or yogas that can indicate a person’s potential for business success. Some examples include the presence of strong Mercury and Jupiter in the birth chart, or the placement of the lord of the second house in the tenth house.

To increase the chances of business success, it is important to take remedial measures based on the astrological factors that may be causing obstacles or delays. These may include performing specific rituals, wearing gemstones, and making changes in business strategies or partnerships. Seeking guidance from an experienced astrologer can provide valuable insights and solutions for overcoming obstacles and achieving business success.

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