In North India, Holi symbolises the burning of demoness Holika, who tried to kill her nephew Prahlad an ardent devotee of the Lord Vishnu. In South India, people celebrate the supreme sacrifice of Kama Deva who became Ananga (bodiless) after facing Lord Shiva’s wrath. Tarkasura Tarakasura, born to Asuras (demons) Vajranga and Varangi. Tarakasura was born with extraordinary powers and was a fearsome warrior from a young age. He was highly skilled in the use of weapons. He prayed hard and long to Lord Brahma, after which received a boon from Lord Brahma, which stated that he could only be defeated by a son born to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was a Yogi (ascetic) so he thought it’s unlikely that he would have children. Tarakasura’s mother, Maya, was known for her skills in creating illusions, and she passed on this knowledge to Tarakasura. With his invincibility and his mother’s illusionary powers, Tarakasura became a formidable opponent for the gods and the forces of good. Tarakasura went on to conquer the three worlds, causing chaos and destruction. Devas (the gods) knew that only Lord Shiva’s son could defeat Tarakasura and Lord Shiva was deeply immersed in his meditation. The gods had sent Kamadeva, the god of love, desire, and attraction on this mission as they believed that Lord Shiva’s union with Parvati would bring about a powerful son who would defeat the demon Tarakasura. Kamadeva aimed his arrow of love at Lord Shiva and disrupted his meditation. This caused Lord Shiva to open his third eye, which released a fiery beam that burned Kamadeva into ashes. Lord Shiva’s wrath was so intense that Kamadeva’s physical body was destroyed, and he became known as Ananga, which means “bodiless”. Holi is celebrated in South Indian states – Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to worship Kamadeva who made supreme sacrifice for universal peace and prosperity. To memorise the sacrifice of Kamadeva, the ritual of Kamadahan is performed.